I can't take it. I want to meet ten people a day, I mean I really do...I think. In all honesty it seems to be an easy task on the surface. Go up to ten people a day, start an awkward conversation, tell them what I do, ask what they do, continue awkward conversation, tell them I am trying to meet ten people a day and then, give them my business card and direct them to this blog.
Definitely not as easy as it looks. There are two main questions...
- Where do I meet these ten people?
- Will they talk to me?
I have found that people are supportive of this task but it doesn't lessen the difficulty. So I will begin anew tomorrow, knowing that I am 20 in the hole (Friday and Monday). Perhaps Tuesday and the rest of the week will prove to be different.
Here's to the challenge.
Okay, Eric... that "awkward" pic made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. (Seriously, it's so much more fun to look at blogs at home... where there is no surf control to block images.)
It'll get easier for you... I know it will. Hey, maybe you should use your stretchy face trick as an ice-breaker. Yeah, that's a GREAT plan. (Hehehe... do you hate me now?)
I can only imagine how hard it is Eric. I know that truthfully I avoid those random people wanting to talk to everyone when out in public. I just always assume that they are selling something and oh my goodness I just don't want it. I'm waiting to see your next 10, come on and get out there and do it. :) Have you tried Borders, Barnes and Nobel, etc. Bookstores are good for chit chat! Or anywhere where there are stay at home moms, desperate for adult conversation!!!!!!!!!!
Laurie - the surf control is definitely the worst invention of our life time. Let's keep the stretchy face trick to the people that already kind of know me. The point is to make friends not freak people out...
Michelle - I was just thinking about those places today. It is definitely worth a shot. You wouldn't happen to crave adult conversation...would you???
yep, I am one of those mom's at home and when you are surrounded only by children day in and day out when you are checking out at the grocery store you find yourself very chatty. I love going to CVS and Safeway since both places I know the checkers!!! Sooo sad. :)
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